So Funny I Forgot To Laugh

So Funny I Forgot To Laugh
a short film Written / Directed by Jonald Reyes
Complete Run Time:  12 minutes
Completed:  September, 2010
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Production Note:

"So Funny I Forgot to Laugh" was originally intended to be a 10-minute play. The actor, Eddie Martinez, had been working on a few projects with the Writer / Director, Jonald Reyes, on the side, but the two wanted to put a stronger film out into the festival circuit. With such compromising schedules, they decided to convert this play into a short film.

The two wanted to go through the true process of putting together an upscale production. Talks of auditions, call backs, and purchasing outside equipment was throw into the mix. However, as previously mentioned, due to such busy schedules by both pushing parties, the mantra of "Just Do It!" became their driving force to skip the longer procedure. Jonald decided to cast Eddie as Hoopy the Clown, and Eddie, with this networking within the acting community of Chicago, found the opposite lead in Elizabeth Isibue.

The outside production factor could not have been accomplished without the help of their friend, Rob Palmerin. As an up-and-coming actor himself, Rob volunteered to play P.A., boom mic operator, and allow his apartment as the location. 

With a background in sketch & painting, Rob also assisted in Eddie's clown make-up application. The production value of Mr. Palmerin made the shoot run smoother and at a more efficient pace.

The shoot took merely 3 hours and the editing took approximately 5 to 7 hours. This is Jonald Reyes's first short film, following his feature length documentary, "That Asian Thing," which participated in the festival circuit during 2008.