PROJECT: TacoFlavoredEggrolls

Taco Flavored Eggrolls & Mental Notion Productions - Digital Bliss

Comedy and media have always been a great match since runny eggs over excessively frosted cake. Wait, you've never tried that combo? Mental Notion Productions is here to let you know that Taco Flavored Eggrolls (TFE) might leave a better taste in your mouth, especially since its the most delicious comedy any Chicago Troupe has to offer!

Mmmmmm. Aren't you hungry?? We sure are....

The best comedy troupe in Chicago? Isn't that a little bold? It sure is, and we're glad you're catching on to font style! Taco Flavored Eggrolls is a multicultural/multi-talented cast. The ensemble consists of experienced stand up comedians, hip hop emcees, improvisational artists, musical talents, witty writers/actors, and even a freakin' magician. As you can see, Taco Flavored Eggrolls will satisfy any craving you may have.

Mmmmm - yum yum.... Hungrier. Salivation.

Lupe Sanchez and Sun Hong started TFE years ago with the sole intention to make the Midwest laugh. And that they did. TFE toured every venue imaginable, displaying their sketch and improvisational comedic skills. "We want to be everywhere and anywhere... We want to inspire people," claims co-founder, Lupe Sanchez.

What better way to inspire people than through media? That's where Mental Notion comes in. We saw an opportunity to bring the laughter of Taco Flavored Eggrolls to everyone, everywhere via the world wide web.

Sure, TFE could film sketches like every other group does, but TFE strives to be different. TFE has depth, and our mission is to unravel the mystery and the different personalities we have to offer.

Take a trip over to, where you'll find interviews posted that give you an inside look to the individual players, as well as collective outlooks, within TFE. Our goal here at Mental Notion is to reveal truth, even in a comedy troupe, where most people might not think there is any. Expect behind the scene footage, deep discussions, and visceral connections.

TFE has loads of special events coming up which can all be found through