
a short film Directed by Jonald Reyes
(as part of the Interpretations 
Complete Run Time:  3 minutes
Completed:  September, 2010
[film featuring L. Lohman, M. Timmz, K. Chan]

Director's Statement:  A palindrome is a word, phrase, or numeric that can be read in either direction.  "PalindRomance" is a "romance" story that can be told forward AND backward.  When the INTERPRETATIONS Film Initiative opened up for competition, I thought, "How can I take the same script EVERYONE else has and take away any preconceived notions that are associated within these 4 lines?"  And of course, the most important detail is to tell a good, understandable story.  I didn't want it to be too complex, so as I was taking away the cliche delivery of the lines, I decided to insert a story more commonly told.  It's your basic girl with guy; guy cheats on girl; instead of breaking-up, he heightens the stakes by proposing; and thus internal struggle within the girl.

The kicker to this film was since this story has been told so many times in a variety of ways, I decided to have it be told backwards!  Whereas we film forward with the intention of having it play backwards, and our lead actress (Lisa Lohman) would deliver her lines backwards phonetically.  As you can see, there are specific story beats and specific physicality/blocking which shows that this can be told forward AND backward.  Hence, a "PalindRomance."  I'd like to thank the AWESOME actors, extras, and small crew for being patient and working within our timeframe.  I'd also like to thank Joone Studios and M. Strick on location.  This film wouldn't happen without the help of these people.  Thank you all!